Thursday, April 4, 2013

I love kimchi. And I'm here to tell you: the dried kimchi that Trader Joe's is selling with the description "snack/condiment" is not edible as a snack. I imagine it could make a great condiment for a Korean taco with bulgogi, though. There might be a texture issue.  I wonder if there's any probiotic value left after you dry it out like that. Probably not.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Tom Collichio: personal thoughts, while watching his appearance on Bill Maher's show

His bruiser looks belie a soft persistence in speech that is urgent and sincere. Which makes him completely impossible to say no to.  Big features on a big bald guy who is shiny and white, paired with the leaning, curt speech of a New Jersey smart guy. His blue eyes look red _ maybe with tears for America’s hunger, maybe with pot, considering “stoner food” is one of the high compliments he pays liked dishes on “Top Chef,” TV’s best cooking competition show that spawned countless impersonators and inspirations.